Toronto, Canada – 175 ATM Portfolio – Route for Sale
ATM Portfolio Price – $1,988,000!
This Toronto based portfolio currently operates 175 ATMs machines around Toronto, Canada. The portfolio in 2022 has averaged approximately $62,500/mo Gross Profit. In 2023, transactions are expected to increase and the route should average over $63,000 per month.
Areas included are primarily in and around Downtown Toronto. Over $59,000 per month is from Owned and Loaded ATMs (161) which are operated by the seller and all of the equipment is EMV compliant. The other $3,000 in income is processing income from Merchant Owned ATMs (14) with the merchants owning and loading the ATMs and the operator only processing.
The locations have contracts and are long term placements. The seller will provide all transition assistance and any necessary training to the new owner.
ATM Route Details
- Asking Price – $1,988,000
- ATM Gross Profit – $62,425.00/mo
- Additional rotating vault cash required to load machines weekly – Based on load / Approximately $400,000 per 7-10 loading schedule
- Number of Machines: 161 of the 175 ATMs are owned by the seller
- Hours Required Weekly – Estimated Team of 1-2
- Location Types – Retail businesses primarily
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